Thesis Presentation Schedule IMBRSea 2023

Schedule by room

Room 1
aula A
Room 2
aula L
Room 3
aula F
Room 4
aula H
Room 5
aula D
Room 6
aula J
Livestream Room 1 Livestream Room 2 Livestream Room 3 Livestream Room 4 Livestream Room 5 Livestream Room 6

Schedule by session:

June 28
June 28
June 28
June 28
June 29
June 29
room 6 - Session 1, June 28, 09:00-10:30
Facilitating salt marsh colonization in rewilded wetlands: Challenges and opportunities
Duarte Carneiro Inês Catarina
Evaluate Agreed Grade
How the Blue Economy affects plankton dynamics in the Belgian part of the North Sea: a modeling approach
Stevens Martha
Evaluate Agreed Grade
The red gold alga Gelidium corneum comprises two genetic lineages dominated by inbred sporophytes, with higher unique diversity in upwelling regions
Potin Anjelina
Evaluate Agreed Grade
room 6 - Session 2, June 28, 11:00-13:00
Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Fish Acoustics in a Marine Protected Area: The Professor Luis Saldanha Marine Park
Pereira Jodanne
Evaluate Agreed Grade
Living Through the Day After Tomorrow: What Planktonic Foraminifera Can Tell Us About Climate Change
O''Neill Erin
Evaluate Agreed Grade
Characterization of Madeira Archipelago soundscapes with emphasis on fish communities and the Mediterranean monk seal
Muñoz Duque Sebastian Eduardo
Evaluate Agreed Grade
room 6 - Session 3, June 28, 15.00-16.30
Zostera noltei Restoration: From Plant Resilience to Habitat Recovery
Anseeuw Shamwari
Evaluate Agreed Grade
Expanding the restoration season: physiological stress response to winter transplantation in Zostera marina
Hall Hannah
Evaluate Agreed Grade
Exploring physiological responses of seagrass to winter transplantation: A study on Zostera noltei plants from an upper intertidal donor zone
Railey Emma
Evaluate Agreed Grade
room 6 - Session 4, June 28, 17.00-18.30
Sound production influences reproduction in Pomatoschistus flavescens
ALBOUY Robin Lucas Noé
Evaluate Agreed Grade
Study of endosymbionts in Millepora (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) in Okinawa-Jima island
Román Baena Carlos
Evaluate Agreed Grade
Assesing the Stress Response in Common Dolphins (Delphinus delphis): Histological Examination and Protein Analysis of Adrenal Glands
Medina Santana Claudia Irina
Evaluate Agreed Grade
room 6 - Session 5, June 29, 09:00-10:30
Innovative two-chamber skin explant model for marine and freshwater fish
Destefani Arianna
Evaluate Agreed Grade
Characterisation of Sperm Whale Acoustic Behaviour Along the Irish Atlantic Margin
Morin Kirstianna
Evaluate Agreed Grade
Shifting gears: alternative fishing gear in an Ecuadorian artisanal prawn fishery
Asar Daniela
Evaluate Agreed Grade
room 6 - Session 6, June 29, 11:00-12:30
Evaluation of Acropora cervicornis nurseries as complex ecological structures and a potential habitat for invertebrates in southeastern Dominican Republic
Nair Nimisha
Evaluate Agreed Grade
Spatial and temporal patterns of Diadema antillarum populations in the Southeastern Reefs Marine Sanctuary after an epizootic event
de Klerk Gioia Vanessa
Evaluate Agreed Grade
Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry Reveals Differences in Structural Complexity of Pocillopora Coral Communities in Contrasting Flow Areas
Ronquillo Pilar Isabel
Evaluate Agreed Grade