Thesis Presentation Schedule IMBRSea 2023

Schedule by room

Room 1
aula A
Room 2
aula L
Room 3
aula F
Room 4
aula H
Room 5
aula D
Room 6
aula J
Livestream Room 1 Livestream Room 2 Livestream Room 3 Livestream Room 4 Livestream Room 5 Livestream Room 6

Schedule by session:

June 28
June 28
June 28
June 28
June 29
June 29
room 3 - Session 1, June 28, 09:00-10:30
Modelling the effect of harvesting and herbivory on fragmented kelp forests
Dupont Guillaume
Evaluate Agreed Grade
Environmental impact assessment in the Belgian North Sea: evaluating benthic ecosystem health for conservation and management
Page Gabrielle
Evaluate Agreed Grade
Enhancing seed-based seagrass restoration: hormone treatments improve germination and seedling development of seagrass Zostera marina
Picatto Lisa
Evaluate Agreed Grade
room 3 - Session 2, June 28, 11:00-13:00
A comparison of data acquisition and sampling effort between citizen scientists and experts in anthropogenic litter surveys
Evaluate Agreed Grade
Impact of marine traffic and climate change in the distribution and possible dispersal of Amathia verticillata inside the Galapagos Marine Reserve
Morales Alefsen de Boisredon D''assier Blanca
Evaluate Agreed Grade
Food preferences and activity rhythms of hawksbill turtles in Martinique
Evaluate Agreed Grade
French Polynesian multi-archipelago spatial and temporal coral reef survey through a hybrid ecologic-ethnographic approach
Bates Elliott
Evaluate Agreed Grade
room 3 - Session 3, June 28, 15.00-16.30
Seaweeds: A natural approach to improve ruminant productivity, quality of animal products, and reduce environmental emissions.
Miller Farley
Evaluate Agreed Grade
High differences in litter accumulation between rocky shores and reefs in Southeastern Brazil.
Benetti Giaele
Evaluate Agreed Grade
Understanding biofilm assemblages on aquatic plastics and their potential as a dating tool for plastic pollution
Reis Skylah
Evaluate Agreed Grade
room 3 - Session 4, June 28, 17.00-18.30
From Beliefs to Management: Exploring the Link Between Fishers’ Perceptions and Coastal Resource Management
Levine Janelle
Evaluate Agreed Grade
Aquaponics as a Livelihood Diversification Strategy in the Mesoamerican Reef Region
Nicholson Catherine
Evaluate Agreed Grade
Mussels (Mytilus edulis) as ecosystem engineers: effects on seabed dynamics and surrounding benthic communities
Islam Mazharul
Evaluate Agreed Grade
room 3 - Session 5, June 29, 09:00-10:30
Phytoplankton phenology in the Bay of Biscay: using remote sensing to assess climate change impacts on the sea
Bayo Maria Fernanda Valeria
Evaluate Agreed Grade
A Preliminary Ocean Literacy Study for the Atlantic Microbiomes in the South African Schools
Bansod Rutuja
Evaluate Agreed Grade
Citizen perception over marine ecosystem services: a remote archipelago as case study
Leal Bernardo
Evaluate Agreed Grade
room 3 - Session 6, June 29, 11:00-12:30
The role of interspecific interactions between octopus and fishes during collective hunting
Sacchi Ada
Evaluate Agreed Grade
Spatial preferences of the dunlin Calidris alpina regarding foraging and roosting areas in the Dutch Wadden Sea.
Hulsenboom Merlijn
Evaluate Agreed Grade
Benefits of Marine macroalgae consumption: Alternative recipes for a nutritious daily diet
Evaluate Agreed Grade