The Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires EU member states to achieve a Good Environmental Status of their territorial waters. Its 11 Descriptors, including D1 (biodiversity) and D6 (seafloor integrity), outline key areas for conservation. The aim of this study was to make a comprehensive assessment of the status of benthic ecosystems in the Belgian Part of the North Sea, as defined by criterion D6C5. This criterion of Descriptor 6 addresses the extent of adverse effects from anthropogenic pressures on the condition of the habitat type. Benthic community data were analyzed and used to calculate a diverse set of ecological indicators and for the first time, a reference dataset was used to determine trends over the last two decades. A novel approach (NEAT tool) was used in Belgium to integrate these indicators and summarize their outputs in one overall score. Results show a benthic ecosystem in Moderate status and declining, though with mixed trends among different habitats. Indicator integration facilitates scientific communication of ecosystem health but its computation is highly sensitive to the number and type of indicators used. Accurate and current knowledge of the state of an ecosystem is necessary in order to implement and follow-up on the effectiveness of management measures that are adapted, targeted, and relevant to current pressures and conservation priorities.
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