Population biology and health of deep-sea Blackmouth catshark (Galeus melastomus) in the southern Adriatic Sea

Andrea Garcia Martin

This study investigates the population dynamics and anthropogenic pressures on Galeus melastomus in the southern Adriatic Sea, aiming to enrich our understanding in population dynamics, biological traits, health, and impact of fisheries. Surveys conducted between May 2023 and May 2024 documented 2,731 Blackmouth catsharks in Vlorë, Albania, revealing insights into their abundance, frequency, and distribution. The recorded data underscores the extent of fishing pressure and emphasizes the need for enhanced fisheries management policies. Furthermore, analyses of dietary habits and feeding behaviors, alongside morphological indices, and biological traits assessments, provide valuable insights into the species' ecological niche and longterm viability. Magnetic resonance imaging and pathological examinations were utilized to evaluate health status and injuries caused by trawling and longlining. Observed traumatic mandibular avulsions (TMA) provided exposed the remarkable resilience of this species. By integrating ecological, biological, and anthropogenic perspectives, this study not only elucidates the factors shaping the population dynamics of Galeus melastomus but also underscores the need for further research and enhanced management strategies to address the challenges posed by bycatch in the region's fisheries.