Modelling the Pleistocene pelagic food web of the Eastern Mediterranean

Nadine Plata Klingler

Modelling constitutes a powerful tool of reality simplification, used to address scientific questions. Its application has increased in recent years, especially in policy and management contexts, nevertheless, it is still rare in the field of conservation palaeobiology. This study uses Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) to represent Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 20-18 in the Eastern Mediterranean. Utilising this software implies a quantitative nature of the modelling approach, thereby establishing this thesis as a pioneering example in the field. The models focus on fish groups, as they are constructed based on an otolith dataset. Incorporating literature enhances the completeness of the models and addresses limitations, such as trophic link assignations. This thesis serves as a start for sensitivity analysis, specifically exploring the implications of constructing models based on assumption A, fish follow their preferred depth or B, fish follow their preferred temperature. Both types of models were found suitable for different applications, depending on the analytical focus. Nevertheless, models A and B agree on designating MIS 19 as the most immature system studied here. The results of MIS 19 could potentially mirror future ecosystem states. This work lays a foundation for future research, advocating for collaborative efforts to advance food web modelling.