There is very little known about Cuvier’s beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris) and Sowerby’s beaked whales (Mesoplodon bidens), especially off the western coast of Ireland due to unfavorable weather conditions and tehir offshore locations. This thesis aimed to determine, using ObSERVE recorded bioacoustic clicks, the behaviors between these beaked whales and to investigate whether oceanographic conditions or the presence of other beaked whale species may affect these interactions and their bioacoustic click characteristics. Using static acoustic monitoring (SAM), beaked whale bioacoustic clicks were characterized, with observations of different click ranges than expected. There was also the presence of double-clicks and echoes among Cuvier’s beaked whales, which had not been commonly observed thus far. Using these click characteristics and subsequent oceanographic parameters, the interval between species occurrence was used in generalized additive models. These models indicate that specific oceanographic parameters and the occurrence of other beaked whales alter the bioacoustic click characteristics observed and the presence of beaked whales. These conclusions have brought new insights into beaked whale behaviors, especially how they interact with one another and the clicks they produce. These findings can help conserve and manage these beaked whales worldwide, guiding more detailed research on their behaviors for the future.
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