Impact of fishing on the global biogeography of marine fish food web – the trade-offs between management objectives

Wing Yi Chung

Fisheries are essential for global food supply, but overexploitation has led to fish stock
collapses. Ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) considers the interactions
between fish stocks and the ecosystem, but current models are complex. The FEISTY model
offers an intermediate solution by predicting global fish biomass patterns and analyzing
fishing impacts. This study used FEISTY coupled with the UVic ESCM to determine fishing
reference points and assess the impact of fishing on different fish groups. The results showed
that allocating more fishing effort to forage fish maximized overall yield. However, the
effects of fishing on forage fish and the optimal allocation of effort require further
investigation. Determining the optimal allocation of effort for maximizing yield also needs
additional analysis. Yet, FEISTY demonstrates its potential in understanding fishing and
ecosystem effects, as well as formulating management reference points to ensure sustainable

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