Preliminary study of Humpback whales "super groups" foraging along the South African west coast

Eva Lambert

Findlay et al. (2017) indicated the presence of humpback whale “super groups” on the South African west coast since 2011, engaged in feeding activities during the months of October and November. Based on this, it was suggested the South African west coast (based on the Benguela upwelling system) is developing into an important seasonal humpback whale feeding ground. Although these “super groups” of humpback whales on the South African west coast have been previously described, the underlying foraging and trophic ecology of these animals remains unstudied, and thus the factors that influence this behaviour remain unknown. The present study is part of a larger study on the foraging and trophic ecology of feeding humpback whales on the South African west coast. Making use of drone-based photogrammetry we assessed absolute length of foraging humpback whales to assess age classes involved in this behaviour (juveniles vs adult) and constructively evaluated the fieldwork methodology employed in this study.