Trophic ecology of marine fishes: insight from stomach content and stable isotopes analyses

The student will have the opportunity to acquire skills for the study of the trophic ecology of fishes. He/she will be guided in all the steps necessary to analyze the diet of a species through the traditional technique of stomach content analysis integrated by the use of stable isotope analysis of nitrogen and carbon. The student will be trained in the essential methods for data analyses both at univariate and multivariate levels and basic knowledge of SIAR package in the R-environment to analyze stable isotope data.

Language requirements: 
Specific competences required : 
Basic knowledge of taxonomy of marine organisms
Safety issues: 
Accommodation possibilities : 
Housing costs is about 200€/month see fro examples
Additional costs to be covered by the student: 
COVID-19 contingency plan: 
In case the accessibility to UNIVPM labs cannot be guaranteed, the student will be provided with already available dataset based on both stomach content analysis (SCA)and stable isotopes analysis (SIA) and guided through more-in-deep statistical techniques for data analysis (including GLM, GAM for SCA, and Mix-SIAR for SIA data).