Submitting a thesis proposal

After negociating your thesis proposal with your supervisor/promotor you should submit it to MaTiX to be reviewed by the IMBRSea board.


On your dashboard there should be a button 'submit proposal'.

Click on your (main) thesis institute from the list. If your institute is not listed yet you will have to register it first (or ask your promotor to do so).

See for more information on how institutes can become an IMBRSea associate partner.

Immediately after registering a new partner, that partner will be available in this list to allow you to continue entering your thesis proposal (note however that we will need a signed partner agreement before we can approve your proposal)

Fill in the rest of the required details.

After filling in and submitting all the details, you will be redirected to the page with your thesis proposal. (if not go to "my proposals" link on your dashboard) There you can click on the title to view and/or edit your current proposal, on the same page you should also find a button to generate your thesis acceptance 'contract'. Download this pdf and have it signed by your supervisor/promotor.

Use the provided buttons to upload your signed contract (and the ethical approval if needed)

The last button shows the status of your proposal: Submitted - (Needs review - Resubmitted) - Approved